119bis rue de Colombes - 92600 ASNIÈRES SUR SEINE - FRANCE - e-mail
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Commended sources & books
Abortion is
a slaughter
Abortion's victims
not an idea!
The developed barbarity
The pill: dangerous?
Against abortive "contraception"
Exposing the State propaganda
"Morning after pill" or
"emergency contraception" =

chemical abortion kit!
The new binary weapon against the poor
the pusher States
hide the truth.
Trump Crushes Abortion Cartel: USAID Shut Down, Halting Global Abortion Funding Feb.5, 2025 - Trump Crushes Abortion Cartel: USAID Shut Down, Halting Global Abortion Funding
Feb.11, 2025 - Pfizer Under Fire for Link Between Depo-Provera and Brain Tumors
Oct.18, 2024 - A new category of medical professional joins in providing Abortion Pill Reversal (RU486)
Gary North - Nine Corrupt Pillars of Classical Greece Gary North - Nine Corrupt Pillars of Classical Greece
For the Western world's survival: ban abortion Dec.29, 2023 - For the Western world's survival: ban abortion
COP21: the dangerous lie of the warmers' gang Oct. 17, 2015 - COP21: the dangerous lie of the warmers' gang
Global Warming: Socialism's Last Stand Gary North - Global Warming: Socialism's Last Stand
Our publications online
Campaign against abortive chemicals pushed by the French State
Success of the campaign ONE OF US Success of the campaign ONE OF US against the Estrela report
The "Silent Scream"
RU 486 and the campaign against Roussel-Uclaf
Press dossier of the Jan.23, 2005 protest which gathered near 15,000 people
Protest on Jan. 19, 2025 for defending human life, against abortion, eugenics and euthanazia Press Releases: (Mostly French)
the latest ones:
Breaking the deadlock of classical politics Dec.9, 2024: Breaking the deadlock of classical politics
Constitutionalizing murder in France: a suicidal arrogance March 9, 2024: Constitutionalizing murder in France: a suicidal arrogance
A filthy French Constitution? November 27, 2022: A filthy French Constitution?
Great pro-life victory in America June 26, 2022: Great pro-life victory in America
COVID-19, from state quackery to medical dictatorship December 29, 2020: COVID-19, from state quackery to medical dictatorship
Vincent Lambert killed. His executioners protected. July 11, 2019: Vincent Lambert killed. His executioners protected.
Vincent Lambert: a handicapped man the French state wants to exterminate May 21, 2019: Vincent Lambert: a handicapped man the French state wants to exterminate
R.I.P. Bernard Kerdelhué May 8, 2019: R.I.P. Bernard Kerdelhué
The crooked ecological transition: a Macronian imposture Dec.16, 2018: The crooked ecological transition: a Macronian imposture
Vaccine eugenics on the move Dec.09, 2017: Vaccine eugenics on the move
The French state, a criminal state Aug. 8, 2013: The French state, a criminal state
The carbon tax: harmful for the children July 9, 2009: The carbon tax: harmful for the children
French Telethon, a diversion of charity Nov.22, 2006: French Telethon, a diversion of charity
UNO promotes abortion through the Millennium Development Goals Sept.7, 2005: UNO promotes abortion through the Millennium Development Goals
A Constitution that stinks like death Apr.29, 2005: A Constitution that stinks like death
A message from rabbi Yehuda LEVIN Jan.27, 2005: Rabbi Yehuda LEVIN protests against the participation of Mrs Veil in the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz
30 years of abortions: the pro-aborts are harking back to the same old lies Nov.25, 2004: 30 years of abortions: the pro-aborts are harking back to the same old lies
July 24,2004: RU486 is going to kill even more
on Jan. 19, 2025

for defending human life,
against abortion,
eugenics and euthanazia"
June 2007 bulletin (mostly French)
The morning after pill is abortifacient
The Pill Causes Breast Cancer
The nazi politics of the European Union
Environmental fascists warming
The Chirac-like distortion of minds
A season to heal
Terrorism with a human face
BULLETIN Juin 2007 en format PDF BULLETIN of June 2007 in PDF format (724 Kb)
Extra articles
Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis (from "Mayo Clinic Proceedings", October 2006)
Documents: Authentic documents to help you argue with strength:
Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis (from Mayo Clinic Proceedings, October 2006) Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis - in PDF formatPDF
Postfertilization Effect of Hormonal Emergency Contraception (from The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, March 2002) Postfertilization Effect in PDF formatPDF

The Impact of the Pill (scientific document spread amongst the MPs & Senators) The Impact of The Pill...PDF
The manipulation of the abortion figures before the Veil act [France] Abortion Before The Veil Act [France]
How the pro-abort lied (and still lie) on the abortion statistics to enforce public acceptance and an unjust "law"
The Sept. 21, 2001 judgment
The judgment of Sept. 21, 2001: at last a won trial! (French)
The Sept. 21, 2001 judgmentPDF
The Trial of the Nazi Abortionists
The Trial of the Nazi Abortionists (1948) The Trial of the Nazi AbortionistsPDF format
The Eugenic Connection
The Eugenic Connection The Eugenic ConnectionPDF format
The Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret Sanger
The Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret Sanger
This book, first published in 1922 by the founder of Planned Parenthood, shows the actual eugenicist nature of the contemporary pro-abortion movements
The Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret SangerPDF format
Woman and the New Race, by Margaret Sanger
Woman and the New Race, by Margaret Sanger
This book, first published in 1920 by the founder of Planned Parenthood, shows the actual eugenicist nature of the contemporary pro-abortion movements
Woman and the New Race, by Margaret SangerPDF format
Leaflets: paper leaflets for sale here.
Our publications online, PDF format Acrobat (TM Adobe)
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