DE DIEU : Who we are |
From 1975 (year of the French abortion law, called
Veil law) to 1988 (year of the founding of La Trêve de Dieu, the yearly
figure of abortions progressively grew in France. Actually,that law set up an incitement to murder and rendered it commonplace, despite denials written as a lure in the #1 item of the Veil law and
also despite numerous pro-life activities, and the pro-lifer got discouraged.
Beside the necessary works related to helping the women tempted
by abortion, France missed an active and efficient pressure group, able to influence
the laws through lawful means, and an original action mode, not yet already experienced
by other groups. Of course without forgetting the essential objective: to soften
the hardened hearts and to wake up the consciences
La Trêve de Dieu was created on the occasion of
the Pope's visit in Strasbourg in October 1988. It was calling for the mercy upon
the children threatened by abortion, during the four days of his visit, in all the
abortion facilities of Alsace and Lorraine. It was a historical reference to the
truce of God launched during the Middle Age by the Church which obtained,
only through its moral authority to limit, and, slowly, to reduce the disasters
generated by the feudal wars.
The present association has been declared, under a 1901 law status,
to the Préfecture of Nanterre, on October 7, 1988 (J.O. #43 on Oct. 26, 1988).
The second item of its statutes explain its social objectives.
Item 2 / Social objectives:
This association aims at: