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June 28, 2002
The dangerous Van Lancker report in European
The «committee on women's rights and equal opportunities» of the European
Parliament issued on April 2, 2002 a draft report «on sexual and reproductive
health and rights» [2001/2128(INI) available on internet at
]. The reporter of this committee is Anne Van Lancker (PSE - B). A vote on this own-initiative
report is planned on July 4.
Now this report is deceitful and eugenicist, in one word: fascist.
A deceitful report:
1) The use of the wording «sexual and reproductive
health and rights» is in itself untrue: the true meaning is «abortion».
2) This report pretends in page 6 § D that «all
studies show that there are fewer abortions» in countries where abortion has
been legalised and which practice State «sexuality education». In
actual fact all the serious studies prove the contrary.
3) This report calls «emergency contraception»
the morning after pills (page 6 § E and page 7 § 4). But these products have
a strong abortive effect and they should rather be called «abortive pills».
A eugenicist report:
1) The target of abortion and abortive contraceptions
are «the socially excluded» people (page 7 § 3). This is
a politically correct way to get rid of the poor while pretending to fight against
2) IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation),
which has many local subsidiary (Family Planning, ProFamilia, etc.), is openly cited
as an inspiration source in this report (p.10, chapt. B). Now this IPPF has been founded
by the eugenicists after WW2 in 1952, in the London quarters of the English Eugenics
Society (whose IPPF was a member till 1977) and with its open support.
A fascist report:
1) This report aims at suppressing any real
consciencious objection of the physicians and health professionnals, because it wants
to force them to refer the potential abortion clients to abortionists (p.7 § 8).
2) This report aims at suppressing the
freedom of the member States which refuse to impose an abortist policy, like Ireland.
3) This report aims at forcing the Accession
Countries to submit to an abortist policy. The nazi regime already did that with
Poland, through imposing abortion, because the slavic «races» where then
considered «inferior» (cf. ).
4) This report wants to impose the sexual
revolution even in the kindergartens (p.8 § 13). The sexual revolution is an
enslaving tool to prepare slaves and not citizens.
This report is pernicious. Under the pretext of «feminism» it is contrary
to the interests of the children, the youth and the women.
These are the reasons why we ask the European Representatives to reject this project
with energy.