RU486 : God strikes the French Ethics Committee at the head

The RU486 poison is continuing to kill children and women, and we do not even speak about the hundreds of women forfeiting death only through the presence of heavy emergency facilities.

Oriane Shevin, daughter of Didier Sicard, killed by RU486.So, on mid August 2005, we heard about the death of a women named Oriane Shevin, 34, from Sherman Oaks (CA) after using RU486. She died on June 14 taking Mifeprex (RU486 made in Shanghai for Danco) and Misoprostol (a anti-ulcer prostaglandin made by Searle and diverted against its will in this criminal use). She was a lawyer and had already two children. She died of a clostridium-sordellii sepsis, i.e. a blood poisoning through this very common and generally inoffensive germ. This is the same kind of sepsis that had already killed Holly Patterson. [The FDA acknowledged already in November 2005 that 4 deaths were due to this cause and at least one of the 2 deaths of March 2006 seem to be linked to it too.]

What no journalist noted, although it is public information, is the fact that the maiden name of Oriane Shevin is Sicard, that she was French and the daughter of the president of the French National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE), a bureaucratic agency invented by former president Mitterrand to ornate with a "moral" frontage the most sordid handlings.

The CCNE is the quasi perfect illustration of the satanic dream of Genesis: « ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil », meaning « defining by yourselves what is good or evil ».

President of the CCNE since 1999, Dr Didier Sicard comes from liberal "Protestantism", i.e. the current anti-Christian secular humanist (which has of Protestant only the name) hiding behind the legalization of abortion. For them we live beyond morals: "the society should not behave in a moral way with respect to these new parental fashions [ inter alia homoparentality ]. The bottom of the problem it is tolerance." (20 minutes, Nov.28, 2005, Interview of Didier Sicard)

There is no reference to God and His Law in the liberal discourse, there is only the self-claimed and arbitrary authority of men who think of themselves as gods. And they exert their tolerance only in favor of crime, they do not stand God and His Law.

In that way, the CCNE approved RU486 in 1987 [chemical abortion], the antenatal and pre-implantation diagnoses [eugenic] , the euthanasia "exception", the sterilization of the handicapped people, the researches destroying human embryos, etc. on the ground of vague and arbitrary reasoning, ambiguous and prone to revision according to fashion, to technological developments and political pressures. The CCNE is eager not to dispute the abortion genocide. If it did that, it would be certainly dissolved. It is but a servile agent of the State, whose policy for more than 30 years has been a policy of abortion of the "undesirable" on a massive scale. A good CCNE would be a dissolved CCNE, because its very existence is an insult to God.

And there is no such thing as chance. God did strike the daughter of Dr. Sicard and her child. Thus He reminds him, as he does all of us, that He is the only Master over life, the only one who defines good and evil, the only one able to grant us grace.

Liberals are stiff necked, so a liberal website – allegedly protestant – published this:
"Condolences. Évangile et Liberté heard about the sudden and premature death of Oriane Shevin. We make a point of ensuring her husband Eric, his young children Eloïse and Ethan, her parents Marie-Noële and Didier Sicard, like all his family of our deep sympathy. A service of thanksgiving was held in Paris in the Temple of the Oratory of the Louvre on Friday the 8th of July."

Thanksgiving!? In thanks of what? Of the Justice of God and the salutary warning He thus expresses? But then why this silence on the causes of the "sudden and premature" death of Oriane, and on the very serious message that God gives through it? It is taboo. And the Press, submitted to the powerful, took care not to speak about it.

Taboo also is the figure of women who underwent the same fate in France. In USA information circulates more freely and one knows now better the nature of the infections triggered by RU486: a study was published on this subject bringing to a debate on the prohibition of that drug, and even the New York Times laid an article (March 17, 2006); but for the "big" French press, there was no news.

The study in question underlines the effect of destruction of the immunity which is the real main effect of RU486 and which thus triggers infections. It is one of the main dangers we had already warned since 1990 with the CIE (International Inquiry Commission) on RU486. Now various official health agencies (FDA, AFSSAPS, etc.) meet and think of this fact, but they are for the moment only making cosmetic proposals as the one recommending the protocol which they had previously recommended, the abortionists having tended to use a different protocol using a lesser quantity of RU486 (thus a more lucrative one).

In any case it would be unrealistic to await from these States' agencies, which are accessory to the abortion genocide, that they show the least respect for mothers' life.
