We took a long time before publishing this issue. Indeed, the very few good news we could inform
you seem to be flooded by the mass of lies daily dumped by the big media. Human life protection in France and internationally
continues to be attacked with strong means. However, it is essential to keep on telling the truth: because, in the end it
will be perceived.
The big media are not at all interested in this bad situation, for they only care about
pleasing their political or ideological idols; therefore they spread the war and diverting propaganda. The following articles
describe the situation and answer to these misleading diversions.
Indeed we are witnessing a major reversal in History: the occidental countries seem to be liable to Divine
Judgment, because of their persistence to reject him and to scorn his law, namely that prohibiting murder: we have slaughtered
more than one billion children between 1975 and 1997, only by spreading abortion on the planet (it's the WHO that says
so). We cannot speak anymore about occidental «civilization», or as its rivals call it: "Christendom".
Our friends in the Third World call the occidental countries a "developed barbarity", developed because
during centuries they benefited from the Christian influence, at present rejected. There is no more occidental "civilization",
only unhealthy societies remain, in an advanced degree of decay, still possessing a wealth, science, technique and culture
capital inherited during centuries of Christianity.
typical of barbaric societies. |
The whole history demonstrates that the rejection of Christianity inescapably brings about
God's Judgment, in the form of misery, war or other various plagues. Some years ago, I had brought back the "paradox
of the Chaldean": Habakuk, the prophet of the Old Testament questions himself about the violence and meanness of his
own people, the Jewish people, they had "shed men blood", they had"committed violent crimes",
they "had built a city with blood"; why doesn't't God interfere?
God tells him he is going to send the Chaldean to slaughter them. Habakuk is bewildered: the Chaldean are much worse than
his fellow countrymen, they are even more overproud and cruel people, "only from him come his right and greatness",
they are looters; how is it that God will use them to condemn the people of Israel? The rest is history: in 587 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar
destroyed Jerusalem and put the surviving Jews in captivity, during 70 years.
We are now in the same situation : barbarians have slaughtered many civilians in a country
that was believed to be in peace and safety, the United States of America. Those who are dead are not more guilty than the
rest of the population, but the message is clear, and it was understood by the catholic christians and protestants in the
same manner:
«We have sinned against Almighty God. At the highest level of government we have
stuck our finger in Your eye. The Supreme Court has insulted You over and over again, Lord» (Pat Robertson, CBN
News, 13/09/2001), «And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad» (Jerry Falwell,
same programme), «God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we
deserve» (J. Falwell), «I don't think, unless we tackle the terrorists in OUR country
we can expect God to protect and guide us".... We can't keep offending God here and then ask for his blessing."
(Mother Angelica, EWTN, 9.25.2001, who made reference to pornography, abortion, etc. as to "other" terrorism),
«If there is something the Bible tells us the Lord hates (...) enough to destroy cities and nations, it's the shedding
of innocent blood. And since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, America has shed a lot of innocent blood
-- 40 million babies have been murdered» (Tom Hess, Citizen, nov. 2001).
They are not the only spiritual leaders who have reacted this way, in spite of the lack
of understanding of the big media and the politicians. The latter prefer to embark on a war, forgetting that every day abortion
claims 4000 innocent victims in the United States, without including the "contraceptive" poisonings. On the other
hand, isn't the contemporary mass abortion itself the condemnation of the peoples who sacrifice their children thus assuring
their own extinction?
The only effective way out is this: «...your hands are full of blood. Wash you,
make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do well. Seek judgment,
relieve the oppressed» (Isaiah 1:15-17). Who is more oppressed than a child hindered from birth?